Loading Dock Bridge
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Dock Bridge SpecificationTorsion Spring Assisted Action Raise and lower the ramp with less than 50 lbs. of force! The dock bridges torsion spring assembly takes the work out of raising and lowering the lip making it easy for most your personnel. Operating Range The standard Dock Bridge is designed for operation ±5" above and below dock level for gas forklifts or ±3” for all other equipment types. Our Low Dock Solution For loading docks too low for the standard working range we also offer ramps designed to be mounted to the floor of your loading dock opening. In function they'll effectively raise the level of your dock to where a dock bridge may be mounted at a height suitable to your freight needs. Dock Bridge DesignThe Dock Bridge is designed to accommodate a maximum of five inches above and below the dock, providing 18.5% grade down and 20% grade up. This is acceptable for most gas or propane forklifts but is not suitable for most pallet trucks or many electric forklifts.
Pallet trucks and electric forklifts can be used with trailers 3 inches above and three inches below dock level. Dock boards or other equipment may be needed to accommodate a greater service range for pallet jacks and electric forklifts (This is due to limited clearance and grade this type of equipment operates at) Torsion Spring vs Extension Spring Dock Bridge Extension Springs Comparison